17 July 2009

A6 /future/ coming soon...

Creative [SIN]ergy presents,
A6 /future/ - a collaboration between 22 illustrators from both Singapore and the UK. Supported by the Singapore International Foundation, the event invites these artists to share their thoughts, hopes and dreams about their future through the use of A6 sized postcards.

Each illustrator will be tasked to pose a question on what he/she feels about the future - express these thoughts through illustrations on half an A6 postcard, before posting them to another illustrator. He/she will then think of a possible answer to complete the template. There will be a mutual exchange of ideas between artists. They are also encouraged to be both imaginative and inspiring in this process.

The completed artworks will be showcased at a London venue during this year's London Design Festival. The 22 postcards will also be auctioned to raise funds for a charity.

For more information please visit www.creativesinergy.com